Think, Solve, and Learn למדת 0 מתוך 74

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You are part of data science team that is working for a national fast-food chain. You create a simple report that shows trend: Customers who visit the store more often and buy smaller meals spend more than customers who visit less frequently and buy larger meals. What is the most likely diagram that your team created?

(20 נק') - שאלה #69237

You work for an organization that sells a spam filtering service to large companies. Your organization wants to transition its product to use machine learning. It currently a list Of 250,00 keywords. If a message contains more than few of these keywords, then it is identified as spam. What would be one advantage of transitioning to machine learning?

(20 נק') - שאלה #69238

You work for a music streaming service and want to use supervised machine learning to classify music into different genres. Your service has collected thousands of songs in each genre, and you used this as your training data. Now you pull out a small random subset of all the songs in your service. What is this subset called?

(20 נק') - שאלה #69239

In traditional computer programming, you input commands. What do you input with machine learning?

(20 נק') - שאלה #69240

Your company wants to predict whether existing automotive insurance customers are more likely to buy homeowners insurance. It created a model to better predict the best customers contact about homeowners insurance, and the model had a low variance but high bias. What does that say about the data model?

(20 נק') - שאלה #69241