Think, Solve, and Learn למדת 0 מתוך 10

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11.13 Prenatal factors can affect ___ and therefore a child’s potential intelligence. Which of the following options most accurately fits the space?

(20 נק') - שאלה #90116

11.14 Sex-role stereotypes – e.g. boys encouraged to play with toys which involve visuospatial manipulation, girls are not – are taken as evidence for which theories?

(20 נק') - שאלה #90117

Children, it is argued, fulfil sex-role stereotypes: boys are encouraged to play with toys which involve visuospatial manipulation; girls are not (we will come back to this in Chapter 12).

(20 נק') - שאלה #90118

11.16 Tucker-Drob et al. (2011) conducted research that suggested there may be a relationship between ___ and heritability. Which of the following options most accurately fits the space?

(20 נק') - שאלה #90119

11.7 Modern intelligence testing originated in ___ with the work of ___. Which of the following options most accurately fits the spaces?

(20 נק') - שאלה #90120