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What is the output of following code? #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> int main() { if (fork()) { if (!fork()) { fork(); printf("1 "); } else { printf("2 "); } } else { printf("3 "); } printf("4 "); return 0; }

1. It will create two process one parent P (has process ID of child process) and other is child C1 (process ID = 0). 2. When condition is true parent P executes if statement and child C1 executes else statement and print 3. Parent P checks next if statement and create two process (one parent P and child C2). In if statement we are using not operator (i.e, !), it executes for child process C2 and parent P executes else part and print value 2. Child C2 further creates two new processes (one parent C2 and other is child C3).
מיין לפי

What is the output of following code? #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> int main() { if (fork() && (!fork())) { if (fork() || fork()) { fork(); } } printf("2 "); return 0; }

1. Fork will create two process one parent P (has process id of new child) and other one is child C1 (process id=0). 2. In if statement we are using AND operator (i.e, &&) and in this case if first condition is false then it will not evaluate second condition and print 2. Parent process P check for second condition and create two new processes (one parent P and other is child C2). In second condition we are using NOT operator which return true for child process C2 and it executes inner if statement. 3. Child C2 again create two new processes (one parent C2 and child C3) and we are using OR operator (i.e, ||) which evaluate second condition when first condition is false. Parent C2 execute if part and create two new processes (one parent C2 and child C4) whereas child C3 check for second condition and create two new processes (one parent C3 and child C5). 4. Parent C3 enters in if part and further create two new processes (one parent C3 and child C6).
מיין לפי

#include<stdio.h> int main() { for(int i=0;i<5;i++) // loop will run n times (n=5) { if(fork() == 0) { printf("[son] pid %d from [parent] pid %d\n",getpid(),getppid()); exit(0); } } for(int i=0;i<5;i++) // loop will run n times (n=5) wait(NULL); }

מיין לפי

Calculate number of times hello is printed: #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> int main() { fork(); fork(); fork(); printf("hello\n"); return 0; }

The number of times ‘hello’ is printed is equal to number of process created. Total Number of Processes = 2^n, where n is number of fork system calls. So here n = 3, 2^3 = 8
מיין לפי

Consider the following code fragment: if (fork() == 0) { a = a + 5; printf("%d, %d\n", a, &a); } else { a = a –5; printf("%d, %d\n", a, &a); } Let u, v be the values printed by the parent process, and x, y be the values printed by the child process. Which one of the following is TRUE?

fork() returns 0 in child process and process ID of child process in parent process. In Child (x), a = a + 5 In Parent (u), a = a – 5; Therefore x = u + 10. The physical addresses of ‘a’ in parent and child must be different. But our program accesses virtual addresses (assuming we are running on an OS that uses virtual memory). The child process gets an exact copy of parent process and virtual address of ‘a’ doesn’t change in child process. Therefore, we get same addresses in both parent and child. But in python3 v and y will not be equal.
מיין לפי

An operating system uses Shortest Remaining Time first (SRT) process scheduling algorithm. Consider the arrival times and execution times for the following processes: Process Execution time Arrival time P1 20 0 P2 25 15 P3 10 30 P4 15 45 What is the total waiting time for process P2?

At time 0, P1 is the only process, P1 runs for 15 time units. At time 15, P2 arrives, but P1 has the shortest remaining time. So P1 continues for 5 more time units. At time 20, P2 is the only process. So it runs for 10 time units At time 30, P3 is the shortest remaining time process. So it runs for 10 time units At time 40, P2 runs as it is the only process. P2 runs for 5 time units. At time 45, P3 arrives, but P2 has the shortest remaining time. So P2 continues for 10 more time units. P2 completes its ececution at time 55 Total waiting time for P2 = Complition time - (Arrival time + Execution time) = 55 - (15 + 25) = 15
מיין לפי

Two processes, P1 and P2, need to access a critical section of code. Consider the following synchronization construct used by the processes:Here, wants1 and wants2 are shared variables, which are initialized to false. Which one of the following statements is TRUE about the above construct? /* P1 */ while (true) { wants1 = true; while (wants2 == true); /* Critical Section */ wants1=false; } /* Remainder section */ /* P2 */ while (true) { wants2 = true; while (wants1==true); /* Critical Section */ wants2 = false; } /* Remainder section */

The above synchronization constructs don’t prevent deadlock. When both wants1 and wants2 become true, both P1 and P2 stuck forever in their while loops waiting for each other to finish.
מיין לפי

Consider the following statements about user level threads and kernel level threads. Which one of the following statement is FALSE?

Since kernel level threads are managed by kernel, blocking one thread doesn’t cause all related threads to block. It’s a problem with user level threads.
מיין לפי

Consider three CPU-intensive processes, which require 10, 20 and 30 time units and arrive at times 0, 2 and 6, respectively. How many context switches are needed if the operating system implements a shortest remaining time first scheduling algorithm? Do not count the context switches at time zero and at the end.

Let three process be P0, P1 and P2 with arrival times 0, 2 and 6 respectively and CPU burst times 10, 20 and 30 respectively. At time 0, P0 is the only available process so it runs. At time 2, P1 arrives, but P0 has the shortest remaining time, so it continues. At time 6, P2 arrives, but P0 has the shortest remaining time, so it continues. At time 10, P1 is scheduled as it is the shortest remaining time process. At time 30, P2 is scheduled. Only two context switches are needed. P0 to P1 and P1 to P2.
מיין לפי

A CPU generates 32-bit virtual addresses. The page size is 4 KB. The processor has a translation look-aside buffer (TLB) which can hold a total of 128 page table entries and is 4-way set associative. The minimum size of the TLB tag is:

Size of a page = 4KB = 2^12 Total number of bits needed to address a page frame = 32 – 12 = 20 If there are ‘n’ cache lines in a set, the cache placement is called n-way set associative. Since TLB is 4 way set associative and can hold total 128 (2^7) page table entries, number of sets in cache = 2^7/4 = 2^5. So 5 bits are needed to address a set, and 15 (20 – 5) bits are needed for tag.
מיין לפי